Paris Street Style with Bill Cunningham

Ahhhh Paris. Paris has to be one of my favorite cities in the world. I have only been there twice, but each time there is something noticeably different about the people, the culture, and the vibe of the city. Everyone in Paris has an air of sophistication about them, even the children seem to have their life more together than I do at 23. A lot of it has to do with their lifestyle, and fashion plays an important role in that. I love this street style video from Bill Cunningham of The New York Times because he sees the Parisians how they really are: sophisticated, conservative, and polished. They know where they’ve been and they know where they’re going. I nay hope I can one day look as stylish and elegant as a French woman; as an American I fear this may take me a long time…

If you’re not familiar with the video blogs of Bill Cunningham, they are certainly worth watching. You can watch them from The New York Times Style Page or on Youtube. He has an excellent eye for style and I love his signature, New York voice doing the commentary. The is an excellent documentary about his life and work on Netflix called Bill Cunningham New York that tells his extraordinary story of living in a small, rundown New York City apartment and rides his bike around the streets of the city taking pictures of people on the street. He has a unique eye for style and is a rare gem of a man in the fashion world.


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